Dental Implants vs. Veneers: What is the difference?
If you are unhappy with the appearance of your smile, dental implants or veneers may be the solution. Dental implants, veneers, and crowns are made to augment and replace missing, broken, or damaged teeth. Knowing specific dental terminology can be confusing and we are excited to help clarify these options below.
Essentially, dental implants are titanium posts placed in the jawbone that mimic tooth roots, while veneers are thin shell coverings that enhance the appearance of teeth. Implants are a replacement for missing teeth and veneers enhance the color and shape of existing teeth.
Dental Implants
Dental implants are medical grade titanium rods that are placed directly into the jawbone. They mimic natural tooth roots and provide a foundation for replacement teeth to attach to at the gum line. Depending on your specific needs, we can place a single implant or multiple implants (implant bridge). Other dental implant options to replace all of the teeth include snap-in dentures and full mouth dental implants.
Porcelain veneers are great way to have a beautiful smile makeover. Those wishing to have the smile of their dreams should consider veneers. Veneers are thin porcelain covers that adhere to the front of teeth to hide minor imperfections. They are great at masking dark or yellow colored teeth and give you the confidence to smile big.
Veneers are hand crafted and customized to your specific smile. Although veneers are thin, they are very strong due to advanced dental bonding techniques and the porcelain materials themselves.
Dental Crowns
Dental crowns are covers made for damaged teeth that protect them long term. These are commonly placed when a cavity on a tooth is too large and undermines the foundational integrity of the tooth. Crowns can also be placed on teeth treated with root canals to protect them long term from fractures. Occasionally crowns, along with veneers, can be placed on teeth for esthetic reasons. If the patient dislikes that a tooth is misshapen or discolored, crowns and veneers can help restore the esthetics. Dental crowns can be made from many materials. The most common material we recommend is zirconia, a type of tooth colored porcelain that is strong and durable. We also can make gold and metal crowns if indicated.
Crown, implant or veneer?
To determine which option is best for you, schedule an appointment with us today!