Dental Extractions in Puyallup, WA
Comfortable Dental and Wisdom Teeth Extractions
Although we always try to preserve natural teeth, sometimes removal of a tooth is necessary. This can be because of extensive tooth decay (cavities), wisdom teeth impaction, advanced gum disease, or broken teeth. We are able to complete most extractions in office without the extra cost to be referred elsewhere. Let’s face it, it is never a good day when you need a tooth removed, but we can help you through this process from extraction to tooth replacement and restoration of esthetics and function.
Why is a dental extraction needed?
There are a few reasons that a tooth might need to be extracted. If your teeth are too crowded and can’t fit comfortably together in your mouth, one or more may need to be removed. If a tooth is damaged, infected, or has decayed (cavity) to a point where it makes more sense to remove it, then we commonly recommend tooth extraction. Wisdom teeth are usually removed because of crowding, impacted wisdom teeth especially. Your team at Ascend Dental will be able to determine whether an extraction is necessary.
Come common reasons to remove a tooth:
Extensive tooth decay
Failed root canal
Severe infection
Cracked tooth
Impacted wisdom teeth
Overcrowding of teeth
While in certain circumstances it is important to remove a tooth, it is also just as important to talk about tooth replacement. We will always discuss tooth replacement options before your extraction so you know what to expect afterwards.
What to expect?
No one wants to lose a permanent tooth, but sometimes a dental extraction is necessary to maintain good oral health. At Ascend Dental, we want to make this process as easy as possible for our patients. We offer a range of sedation options to make this procedure easier for patients including nitrous oxide inhalation (laughing gas), oral sedation medication, and IV conscious sedation.
During the procedure, a local anesthetic numbing medication is placed around the tooth. Once the area is adequately numb, we will skillfully remove the tooth and any infected tissue surrounding it. Doing this will allow for quick and proper healing.
After the tooth is removed, gauze or stitches will be placed to help with bleeding control. Specific instructions will also be given, including precautions and medications to take. If you received a sedative medication we will make sure you are safely returned to your responsible driver.
After extraction care
Post extraction care is crucially important to prevent pain and infection. To reduce these risks its important to do the following:
Take all recommended medication as prescribed.
Do not lift heavy objects or workout for 1-3 days.
Do not use a straw or smoke for a minimum of 7 days.
Eat soft foods until the socket gets covered by healing gum tissue.
Apply ice on the affected cheek for 20 minutes off and on.
Do not forget to brush and floss normally.
If soreness worsens or pain returns, contact us for a follow up visit.
Once the area is healed, it is important to replace the tooth to prevent a multitude of long term complications. We offer many services including dental implants, bridges, and dentures.
Frequently Asked Questions
Dental Extractions in Puyallup, WA
Before a tooth is extracted, your dentist will provide you with some kind of anesthetic to limit pain during the procedure. This involves injecting local anesthetic near the tooth to numb the area. For wisdom teeth removal, patients usually receive either nitrous oxide (laughing gas) or IV sedation to be more comfortable through the procedure.
While you shouldn’t feel any pain during the dental extraction, you may feel some mild pain or soreness for a few days afterward. Your dentist should either prescribe pain medication or recommend some over-the-counter pain medications that you can take for relief.
The full recovery process following a tooth extraction can take anywhere from 5-14 days on average, depending on the type of procedure. We recommend that you take at least one day off from work or school following a dental extraction to rest and recover. After you are cleared to return to your daily activities, you may continue to experience some soreness and visible swelling. Your dentist will likely recommend that you continue eating soft foods and avoid strenuous activities for at least a few days afterward.
Yes, you have come to the right place. The committed dentists at Ascend Dental will perform an exam to determine if a tooth needs removed. If a tooth extraction is necessary, we will go above and beyond to make you feel comfortable.
There are a few reasons that a tooth might need to be extracted. If your teeth are too crowded and can’t fit comfortably together in your mouth, one or more may need to be removed. If a tooth is damaged, infected, or has decayed to a point where it makes more sense to remove it, then your dentist will recommend tooth extraction. Wisdom teeth are usually removed because of crowding, impacted wisdom teeth especially. Your dentist will be able to determine whether tooth extraction is necessary.
We can’t wait to meet you!
We look forward to speaking with you. Call (253) 864-0310 or request an appointment online to schedule your first visit with us. We’ll be in touch with you soon!
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