Single Tooth Implants & Bridges in Puyallup, WA
What is a dental implant?
A dental implant is the best way to replace a damaged or missing tooth. It provides you with:
Beautiful tooth replacement
Maintained chewing ability
Permanence and security
A stronghold to adjacent teeth, like dental bridges
Maintenance of bone in the area of the mouth
How do dental implants work?
Dental implants are medical grade titanium rods that are placed directly into the jawbone. They mimic natural tooth roots and provide a foundation for replacement teeth to attach to at the gum line. Depending on your specific needs, we can place a single implant or multiple implants (implant bridge).
3 parts of a dental implant:
Implant body | The titanium screw that serves as the anchor.
Abutment | This piece serves as the connection between the implant body and the crown
Crown or bridge | This is the tooth replacement that you will see above the gumline
The Dental Implant Process
The implant process generally takes place in two phases: placement and restoration:
Implant placement | In the first phase, we take digital impressions of your smile and use our smile preview software to map out your dental implant placements. Then, we precisely place the implants in the jawbone in the pre-determined spots that we mapped out on our software. Implants are biocompatible so they will fuse with the bone over time. Generally, we wait until they’re completely fused before moving on to the restoration phase.
Restoration | For the restoration phase, we can create crowns for single-tooth replacement or bridges for multi-tooth replacement. Our custom-fitted tooth restorations will snap onto your dental implants, which means they won’t slip or budge throughout the day. As soon as your restoration is in place, you can enjoy a full, stress-free smile that looks and feels great!
Bone Grafting Treatment
Many dental bone grafting procedures are completed to restore bone volume to its original size following previous tooth loss, gum disease, or trauma. Bone grafting is also commonly recommended after most tooth extractions to help preserve the bone for a future implant.
When planning for long term success of your dental implant, adequate bone volume is crucial. If sufficient bone size is not available or not expected after an extraction, we will recommend augmenting the area with bone graft.
We use three types of bone grafting material:
Autograft: taken from another part of the body, in dentistry that is typically the jawbone. This bone contains your own cells and caries no risk of disease transmission. The drawback is that is requires a second surgical site.
Allograft: bone donated from a tissue donor that is tested and processed to ensure safety and sterility.
Xenograft: bone derived from animal tissue (porcine or bovine) that is comparable to the mineralized bone of humans. Both allograft and xenograft do not require a second surgical site, and are therefore most commonly used.
We proudly use MinerOss bone graft that is processed by leading suppliers of bone grafts in the orthopedic and dental industries.
Frequently Asked Questions
Dental Implants in Puyallup, WA
Wondering if implants are right for you? They’re a popular tooth replacement option among patients and doctors alike. Dental implants:
Last a Lifetime with Proper Care
Look, Feel & Function like Natural Teeth
Maintain Facial Shape & Appearance
Permanently Replace Missing Teeth
Preserve Jawbone Health
We understand that having gaps in your smile can make eating and speaking, as well as other everyday tasks, more difficult. Whether you’re missing one tooth or multiple teeth, dental implants can permanently replace your teeth to restore your smile’s appearance and functionality. You shouldn’t have to settle for a smile that you don’t love; our team can help you regain a smile that is fully functioning and aesthetically pleasing!
Yes, at Ascend Dental we use modern dental bone grafting materials and techniques to help restore your bone to optimal size for dental implants. Schedule a consultation today by calling 253-864-0310.
We can’t wait to meet you!
We look forward to speaking with you. Call (253) 864-0310 or request an appointment online to schedule your first visit with us. We’ll be in touch with you soon!
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